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Sunday, November 3, 2019

How To Regrow Back Your Hair Naturally

Your hair is said to be your crowning glory, and it’s normal to want to improve your hair if it’s not to your satisfaction. If you’re trying to regrow hair that you’ve lost or would simply like to improve the hair that you have, try some of these natural remedies. Their proven benefits can help to stimulate growth and enhance the hair that you have.

The following oils have lots of benefits to regrow back your hair naturally:

1. Coconut Oil

The lauric acid found in coconut oil binds to the protein in hair and protects both the roots and strands of hair from breakage. Coconut oil is known to mimic Sebum. Sebum is the body’s own natural oil that helps keep the scalp from drying out and also coats hair roots to protect them from damage. A well-oiled scalp with happy follicles is key to stopping continued hair loss. Coconut oil penetrates the hair shaft, protecting it against environmental impurities and excess heat. The natural antioxidants and nutrients (vitamin E, vitamin K and iron) found in coconut oil boosts hair growth and regrowth. Coconut oil contains both anti fungal and antibacterial properties to protect against potential fungal or bacterial problems that limit hair growth. 

When you massage your scalp with coconut oil it improves the blood circulation to the scalp and hair follicles, which helps hair follicles to absorb the valuable nutrients in the oil necessary for hair re-growth.

2. Almond Oil

Almond oil contains all kinds of healthy ingredients for hair like Omega-3 fatty acids, phospholipids, vitamin E, and magnesium. Using almond oil nourishes and strengthens your hair, and is optimal for treating hair loss and damaged hair. A few drops go a long way to add silkiness and shine & nourish the scalp. Use pure almond oil; most store brands contain only a small percentage of almond oil and a large proportion of petroleum paraffins.

3. Garlic Oil

Garlic has anti-microbial properties that help kill germs and bacteria, which are responsible for causing damage to the scalp, further inhibiting hair growth.Raw garlic is known to be rich in vitamin C content that is great for promoting hair-health. It also boosts collagen production that helps stimulate hair growth.The presence of selenium content in garlic helps boost blood circulation for maximum nourishment.It also helps cleanse hair follicles, strengthens them and prevents clogging, further curbing hair loss.Garlic helps calm aggravated scalp and treats issues like dandruff.

4. Castor Oil

In recent years, more and more beauty enthusiasts have begun praising castor oil as a natural solution for hair growth. An age-old remedy long used in traditional medicine, castor oil is also said to moisturize the scalp, ease dandruff, and leave your hair smooth and shiny.
Sourced from the castor bean (Ricinus communis), castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid—a type of fatty acid found to fight inflammation. When applied to the scalp, it’s purported to enhance the health of the hair follicles and, in turn, promote hair growth (as well as protect against hair loss).

5. Mustard Oil

Regular hair massages keep the scalp nourished. Mustard oil stimulates hair growth by increasing blood circulation in the scalp. It contains protein, a major component of hair, and omega-3 fatty acids – both of which nourish your hair and encourage hair growth.
The antibacterial and anti fungal properties of this oil prevent hair loss and ensure healthy hair growth.
Using this oil for hair growth is very easy. Just massage a little oil into your hair and scalp. Cover your hair with a shower cap for about 3 hours and shampoo and condition your hair as usual. After a few uses, you will see visible results.
6. Olive Oil

For many years, olive oil has been utilized for many purposes, but a few people know the rejuvenating effects of oil when used as hair product. The benefit of using olive oil to style your hair begins with its ability to strengthen your hair. Olive oil has a moisturizing effect that nourishes your scalp, which can prevent dandruff, which is one of the causes of hair loss. For your hair to remain healthy and long, hair strands must be kept strong to avoid breakages. This is what olive oil does to help strengthen individual hair strands to avoid hair splits.

Your hair needs to be elastic to prevent against pulling off when you brush or blow-dry. Olive oil increases the elasticity of the hair, which is why your hair can remain strong and straight. Not many people know that olive oil is linked to hair growth. While olive oil is used for cooking and treatment of skin diseases, hair experts say that olive oil is the best cure of the problem of hair loss.

One of the key benefits of using olive oil is that it prevents and cures hair loss.

There are many reasons why people may lose their hair. This could be because of use of hair products with damaging chemicals. Other people lose hair because of the DTH hormones that are known to decrease the hair follicle shafts.  The application of olive oil inhibits the production of DTH hormones on your scalp, which cure the problems of hair loss.
Olive oil contains considerable amounts of antioxidants, which promotes the heath of your scalp. This makes olive oil the best hair oil. Remember that an unhealthy scalp cannot support growth of hair. Since olive oil nourishes the scalp, it provides an appropriate product that not only strengthens your hair, but also protects your scalp.
HairGru is a locally made hair grower in Qatar since October 2017. Testimonials of satisfied customers prove that the product is effective. 

How to use HairGru:
1. Before sleeping at night, clean you hair with herbal shampoo. Dry it.
2. Spray the HairGru directly to your scalp especially in the areas where hair fall or baldness is showing.
3. Massage for 30 minutes to stimulate blood circulation.
4. Cover your hair with shower cap (included in the package) in 2-4 hours. Covering your hair with shower cap encourages the opening of hair follicles to promote growth of new hair.
5. Then in the morning, rinse your hair with herbal shampoo. 
Don't use any conditioner to your hair, wax or gel because it might contain harmful chemicals. You can use HairGru as well as your hair styling oil.
For order and inquiries, call my number at +97477204698 (Nilo).

Sunday, June 30, 2019

What Skin Whitening Substances Should You Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful periods for a woman. However, the nine months of pregnancy are not only the most beautiful, but they also represent the time when the woman’s body is sensitive to many substances. This is why, restrictions are made when it comes to using different types of medications, chemical products, make-up, and skin-care products. One of the delicate issues for pregnant women is skin bleaching. Because most of the products which can be found on the market are made up of chemical substances, high precaution must be taken when choosing one or another skin whitening product.
Skin Whitening Forever™
Although not all the skin whitening products are harmful to the pregnant woman or for the fetus, there are some creams, ointments, and pills which are not recommended in the nine months before delivering the child or in the following few months. The first on the list of substances which you should avoid when you are pregnant is hydroquinone. This substance has been the reason for debate between many scientists along the time. 

Nowadays, hydroquinone is prohibited in the states of the European Union and Africa, while in the United States, its regimen is a rather uncertain one, as it was banned several years ago, then put on the list of safe substances. However, if for other people this substance may not be very damaging, the effects on pregnant women and their fetuses are quite damaging. Reports have also talked about serious fetus malformation and further skin darkening in the case of mothers, so under no circumstances should you purchase any product containing this substance if you are pregnant.

Hauronoside and arbutin are two substances similar to hydroquinone which have no side effects either on the fetus or on the mother, thus can successfully replace hydroquinone.  

Yet, even though not all the skin whitening products are said to be dangerous to your health, refraining from experimenting too many such substances would be a great idea. This is mainly because your skin as well as the entire body is much more sensitive during pregnancy and requires more attention. Using aggressive bleaching substances may increase the risk of further darkening the skin or even worse damage the tissues, which is not something anyone may want.

Skin Whitening Forever™

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Natural ingredients are best when it comes to skin care. If you want a safe, cheap and all natural skin whitening treatment click the banner below to find out some of the best natural spot removal recipes. You will get rid of the brown spots fast and easy, without experiencing any discomfort or side effect. Recommended to pregnant women, too.

 Click the banner below:

Saturday, June 29, 2019

What You Should Know about Home Based Skin Whitening Products

There are plenty of skin whitening products available on the market. In fact, more than $45 billion dollars are invested each and every year in this industry. With this abundance of products finding the one which is both accessible and highly efficient can be quite a challenge. Thus, it is highly important to have some notions about how to choose the whitening product suitable for your face.
Skin Whitening Forever™
The first thing you will have to take into consideration is your skin color. The skin whitening products address to certain skin colors. There are bleaching products specially made for people with dark skin, products designed for people with yellowish tint or products which are made exclusively for people with medium colored skin. This is why you will have to choose the products you are going to use in accordance with the exact color of the skin. Otherwise, side effects may appear and what it should have been a product to help you with your skin, will become a product which will further damage the treated area.

Another thing you should carefully check is the ingredients that bleaching product contains. Each of the products you purchase should have a detailed description of the ingredients it contains. If you have any allergies make sure that the ingredients to which you are allergic are not on the product’s recipe. Also, check that none of the products with a high risk of side effects is present in the product. Thus, you should avoid products which contain hydroquinone or products which have AHA in a concentration higher than 10% unless this is what you have been prescribed by the doctor.

When purchasing the product look for the instructions for a safe application of the product. If no instructions of use are offered, then it is better to go for another product even though it had the right ingredients for your type of skin. In the absence of these instructions, you can never be sure that you are doing the right thing in applying it and you also do not know when to expect some improvements in your skin color.

Last, but not least, you should also make sure that the expiration date is put on the bottle of cream or ointment and that the product is not expired. Even though this may seem quite obvious, very many people forget to check that and purchase products which have expired. Using such a product not only will have no positive effect on your spots, but it may also further damage the skin.

These are the basic things you should check when purchasing a skin whitening product. Respect these few steps and you have great chances to choose the product which will get you rid of the brown spots for good without experiencing any side effects.
Skin Whitening Forever™
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The skin whitening products you find on the market may be successful, but there is a trial and error process until you find a satisfactory one. If you want your skin to look spotless in only a few weeks try one of the natural, home-made treatments that you can find. Just click the banner belowThe brown spots will be removed and your skin will become moisturized and gain its natural glow, without having to cope with no side effects.

If you are pregnant, you should know the whitening substance you should avoid at all cost.