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52 Healing Habits

Let me introduce to you to Bo Sanchez, my mentor when it comes to physical health. Way back in 2012, he introduced me to the 52 Healing habits. These habits were handed down to him also by his mentor. 

Do you know that we have a  healer inside of us? It so happened that the media gives us information in such a way that we forgot completely that God has already given to us the healer within. Below is the article written by Bo Sanchez. Read on....


Awaken The Healer In You

       I have a very important announcement to make:God has given you the power to heal yourself.
       This is an awesome power.
       And this power is already at work in your body.
       Within your body is a powerful healing system that fights germs, heals diseases, and prevents you from getting sick.
       Friend, God has placed a healer within you.
       And that healer is an amazing healer!
       Some of you may ask, “Bo, are you talking about the immune system?”
       Yes, but not just the immune system as you know it. 
Because we’re talking about a healing system that is both natural and supernatural, both physical and spiritual at the same time.
Let me give you three examples of this kind of self-healing that happens everyday of your life.

1. The Best Repairmen In The World
       When I was a high school kid, I studied in an all-boys’ school. Beside us was an all-girls’ school. Between us was a fence. So what did we do? My classmates and I, whenever the teacher wasn’t looking, climbed that fence to ogle the girls next door.
Obviously, I wasn’t lusting. I was just admiring God’s beautiful creation in the female anatomy. J
But in one of those trips down that fence, I fell. Really bad. And I had this deep gash in my lower abdomen. Except that I didn’t know about it.
When I stood up and ran back to our classroom, my classmate was the one who said, “Bo, you’re bleeding!” I looked at my abdomen and saw my white polo uniform drenched with fresh red blood. I lifted up my shirt and exposed a long wound.
My classmate gasped. “Your intestines are coming out!”
He asked me to go to the clinic right away.
I didn’t go. Because of fear. How can I tell them that I got the wound because I was climbing the fence to ogle at girls?
So I went straight home, cleaned up my wound, and told no one about it.
But 30 years later, I can’t even see a scar.
Where Are Your Wounds?
As a child, how many times have you fallen, scraped your knee, bruised your elbow, bumped your head, scarred your skin, and burnt your fingers? How many paper cuts have you had? How many times did you shave yourself in the wrong way and nicked your face?
You must have had hundreds—if not thousands—of wounds.
Yet where are those wounds today?
They’re all healed.
Simply because your body has this incredible ability to repair itself. You don’t have to put anything into a wound. Just clean it and your body will itself.
Let me divulge my age here. When I was a kid, and I’d get a wound, my mother would say, “Get the Mercurochrome from the medicine cabinet.” If you’re my age, you’d remember this tiny red bottle with a small cotton bud inside. 
Later on, they banned it and pulled it out from the market—because they used mercury—which they discovered to be poisonous to the body.
Today, we usually don’t put any ointments anymore on our wounds. Because wounds heal by themselves.
2. The Best Army In The World
       Here’s my second example.
There are millions of different kinds of germs all around you now. There are also millions of germs within your body now—in your lungs, in your various organs, in your blood, on your skin…
       But why are you not sick?
When I was a kid, there was no such thing asalcogel.
Today, many people carry this little bottle in their bags. You see people wiping their chairs before they sit down, wiping doorknobs before they hold it, wiping tables before they eat on them.   
Do you think they’re healthier today—because they have alcogel? You be the judge.
Here’s my belief: The army of germs around us and in our bodies, our lungs, our blood, our skin, are no match compared to the army of antibodies in our body.  We have the best army in the world inside our bodies!
       Your powerful army looks for germs, bacteria, virus, and all other foreign intruders, and with precise accuracy, zaps them, shoots them, wrestles them to the floor, pins them down, and destroys them.
       And I hope I won’t scare you when I say this, but right this moment, you have cancer cells in your body.
       But why is it that you don’t have cancer?
       Why are you strong and alive and vibrant?
       Because God’s healing system is at work in your body.
       Unlike chemotherapy that destroys both cancerous and healthy cells, your healing system is so advanced, so hi-tech, so phenomenal, it targets only cancerous cells and kills them. With pinpoint precision, it only destroys what needs to be destroyed.
       Our problem? Many times, this healing mechanism in you—this Healer that God has placed in your body—is weakened.
       And what weakens the Healer in you?
       In one word, Toxins—Spiritual and Physical toxins. (I’ll talk more about this in my next articles.)
       Let me give you a third example of how you heal yourself.
3. The Best Pharmacy In The World
We like popping a pill for our diseases.
       If we want to sleep, we take a sleeping pill.
       If we want to be tranquil, we take a tranquilizer.
       If we want to fight germs, we take an antibiotic.
If we want to slim down, we take an appetite suppressant.
But all these pills will never solve your problem if you don’t address the emotional roots of your disease.
Worse, drugs cause many problems. Not only is the original problem not solved, these pills cause many side effects.
Friend, your body is the greatest pharmacy in the world. It produces the best drugs you can ever find in the planet.
       The drugs produced by your body are 100% natural, produces no side effects, and is given at the right dosage every single time.
       Doctors know about the placebo effect for a long time now.
       They’ve done thousands of experiments on placebos.
       They give a patient a pill with absolutely nothing in it and tell him it will remove his pain. The patient takes the pill and his pain disappears. Why? Because his body was producing natural pain-killers so effective, so efficient, it gives it at the right amount, right dosage, right time.
       They’ve conducted experiments with patients who had cancer. They’re given a pill that had absolutely nothing in it and they’re told it was anti-cancer drugs. The patient swallows it. Immediately, the patient starts manufacturing powerful anti-cancer chemicals within his body.
       Your body is more powerful than you think it is.
When you pray with profound peace, when you laugh till your belly hurts, when you take deep breaths, when you enjoy the sunset, when you get a hug, when you’re engrossed in a project that blesses the world, your body manufactures all-natural chemicals that heal your body.
Let me tell you a story that inspired me so much.
Cancer Is No Match To
God’s Healing Power In Your Body
       One day, Lina wasn’t feeling well.
       When she went to the doctor, they diagnosed her to have an acute rheumatic heart disease. Her heart valves were damaged so much, she needed an immediate heart surgery.
       After what appeared to be a successful operation, she woke up with a terrible headache.
       Thinking it was just an effect of the anesthesia, the doctors gave her oral pain killers. But the pain didn’t stop. The doctors gave her injectable pain relievers but they didn’t work too.
       The headache persisted. This worried her doctors and ordered her to have a cranial MRI to find out what was causing the pain.
To the horror of her family, the doctors found a tumor in her brain.
Imagine this: After her open-heart surgery, Lina went home to prepare for a brain surgery!
Through all this time, Liza told me how she much she prayed for her sister Lina. Her sister, Liza, texted all 500 names in her cell phone. She asked her friends in Opus Dei to ask for the intercession of Jose Maria Escriva.  
Soon, Lina went back to the hospital to check if her heart was strong enough for a brain surgery.   As she was being prepared for the operation, she noticed that she no longer had headaches.
On the day of the operation, doctors performed a few more tests and MRI’s. The operation was scheduled to start at 7am. But at 9am, the operation had not yet begun. “There are some complications,” the doctors explained to the family. 
After lunch, the doctors called the family to tell them that all the tests showed that the tumor had disappeared! They couldn’t explain it. There was no need for an operation.
You Create A New Body Every Single Second
How did her tumors disappear?
I’ve been serving God for so long now, I’ve seen these miracles happen again and again.
Tumors disappearing.
Cancers going on remission
Kidneys being repaired.
Bones getting healed.
Why do these miracles happen?
Science is slowly catching up to explain such miracles.
Is Your Body A Machine?
Or A Flowing Stream?
       Physicists have long learned that we create new bodies every single second of our lives.
       Through calculations done with radioisotopes, physicists say that we replace 95% of the atoms in our body.
       You create a new liver every 6 weeks.
       You create a new skeleton every 3 months.
       You create a new stomach lining every 3 weeks.
       You create a new skin every month.
       You create a new brain every year.
       Here’s the truth: Your body is now different from the body you had last year.
       Our bodies are not machines.
       Quantum Physics now tells us that our bodies are more like flowing streams of energy. Physics tells us that at the subatomic level, we’re all moving, vibrating energy.
       What does this mean?
You can create a brand new cell, a brand new tissue, a brand new organ, and a brand new body! This is the reason why healing can happen everyday.
“But Why Is My Body Not Changing?”
       I can hear your question now.
“But Bo, if I change the atoms of my body so often, why is my body still sick? You’re telling me that I get a new liver every six weeks. But I’ve had this liver problem for two years now. Why do I replace my sick liver with another sick liver?”
       One reason: Your body is an expression of your soul. Your body is a blueprint of what is inside you—your thoughts, your emotions, your imagination, your beliefs, your attitude, your dreams, your hurts, your doubts, your prayers…
       So your body won’t change if your soul won’t change.
       Your body will change the moment your soul changes. 
       Let me clarify this for you.
Here’s a fact: Everyday, we have 60,000 thoughts.
That’s great.
       The sad part is that 95% of those thoughts were the same thoughts we had yesterday!
       If you want your body to be healed, you have to first change your thoughts, your feelings, your imagination, your expectations…
       Especially your expectations.
The Power Of Expectation
Our bodies merely manifest our beliefs.
And there’s our problem: We expect to grow old and decay.
For us, growing old means getting ready to die.
Why? Because that’s what we see around us: People in their sixties and seventies who are so sickly, they’re like walking drugstores. We see them hobbling on their canes, bent over and crooked, complaining of aches and pains everyday.
It’s the expectation of society. It’s called the hypnosis of social conditioning. 
       But not everyone has this expectation.
In fact, scientists have gone to the 10 places in the world with the most centenarians. They asked the question, “What’s the secret of their long life?”
They discovered many things. The great food they eat. The pure air they breathe. The long-term relationships they enjoy. 
But aside from these obvious things, there’s one thing that’s very different in their world: The society’s expectations of old people. In those places, they love old people. They celebrate old people. To grow old is glorious.
In their societies, it’s normal to see a 100-year-old man swimming in a cold river. It’s normal to see a 103-year-old woman climbing up a mountain with a heavy basket on her back. It’s normal to see a 105-year-old man on horseback.
Their expectations are very different.
What is your expectation of yourself?
       Expect healing and health!
Expect to grow old strong and blessed.
Starting today, expect to reach a hundred years old, serving God with the strength of a fifty-year-old body!
The Power Of Faith
There’s power in your expectation.
Do you expect healing?
Do you expect miracles?
I’ve been doing ministry for 31 years.
I’ve preached in both cities and barrios.
And here’s what I’ve noticed: When I hold healing prayer sessions, I see more miracles in the barrios than in the cities. I see more people healed in little towns than in big towns. Why? Because people there have simple faith. They have less doubts. They carry less intellectual baggage (aka: pride).
In other words, they expect miracles.
And their bodies comply to their expectation.
I encourage you to expect healing.
One Last Story: Liza
I already shared with you the healing story of Lina.
Her sister Liza, a close friend of mine, also has a powerful sharing.
One day, Liza found a small lump in her left breast.
She went to Asian hospital and had it tested.
A few days after, she got a text message that biopsy came out malignant. On hearing the news, Liza and her husband Benny hugged and cried together.
The next days were very confusing. They were told to make a decision and to make it fast. The doctors recommended chemotherapy.
But through prayer, Liza and Benny decided not to go through chemo. Instead, Liza went through natural medicine. 
She completely changed her lifestyle, her eating habits, eating no meat, no processed food, no dairy products, and drinking 150 herbs a day.
Through all that, Liza kept her faith and positive attitude. Liza is one of the most vivacious woman I’ve ever met—and even amidst her cancer—she kept smiling, laughing, and giving joy to people around her.
For the past 6 years, my friend Liza has been free from cancer.
Yes, miracles happen. Everyday.
I pray for you: Open your life to healing.
Open your life to miracles.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez

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52 Healing Habits Program of Bro Bo Sanchez

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